Dear World,
Imagine a symphony playing the most sweet, melodic music you've ever heard in your life. You stand in a huge concert hall, looking around, its vacated. The moment brings a rush of exhilaration as you hear the notes of a simple arrangement performed on the piano. The keys are touched, and through the power of thought a masterpiece is played. The pianist didn't become amazing just overnight, but had to play and make mistakes to learn how to create the most beautiful sound ever created.
Once the song hits your soul, you're captivated and you sit down as fast as you can. You are blown away by something so wonderful. Something so perfect. You close your eyes and breathe out, and while doing so, a string of dreams infiltrate your mind. You see color, land, sky, and star and you never want to leave what you have.
This is life. Its life through my eyes.
Jan.3 2025
1 month ago